
In winter

It's cold

Shimonita station

A single-track railway.
上信電鉄 Joshin Den Tetsu.
Maniwa station is located in this railway.
It's close to Maniwa Nen Ryu Dojo. 馬庭念流

I found a stone monument which moss grown on my way.
It's very hard to read the carve.
I think it's carved 馬頭尊. sounds(BUT-TOE-SONG)
It's mean horse head God. Farmers believe in 馬頭尊.
I can't check more details due to the moss.
Maybe there is information that Who built, When built.

A Lunch

カツ丼 Katsudon
Best Katsudon ever ! Seasoning of black pepper.
It's very rare, only this Katsudon.
Unfortunately, this restaurant will be closed within the year.

Almost done

Length 2尺9寸3分 
curvature 2分


An autumn day

November 11

I always start to drive at midnight because there's no traffics.
And if I drive on the highway, it's not free, toll road, we can discount 30% a fare 
by ETC from 12 midnight to 4am.

I always eat Ramen at midnight.
There are many restaurant which carry neon signs along Root 254.
All are good !

It's an autumn day.

Next day, I found beautiful mountain.

And I also found a problem.

powder ?

Worm eaten !
Still eating.

Then. I did over again and finish off.
I have expected to 3尺 length Bokken but maybe it will be 2尺9 or 8寸.
And less curvature in shape.

Another one which length 2尺9寸8分.
This is The Kamakura or Nambokuchô Period style from Bizen.

Kodachi or Wakizashi 1尺5寸. Almost finish off.



All done.

A lunch

Good Chinese(Taiwan) in Shimonita city. \580yen with dessert almond jelly.
Taste very very good !

A dinner

When I was on my way home at midnight.

Good Chinese dish. Mapo tofu.
New Chinese(Taiwan) restaurant is increasing along R254.
They serve Ramen \380yen !


November 4th

弁松総本店 Benmatsu

I brought another Bento my home and ate next morning.

Bento box is made of wood which disposable.

A lid for a bento box is slicing wood.

The Legend

Here is congratulatory address from Iizasa Yasusada who is the head of TSKSR.
Descendant of Iizasa Chouisai.
Booklet shows waiting list of ryuha and participant's name.


November 3rd



a practice session for a performance.

Seats reserved for ambassadors and ministers in Japan.
There is a best place for enjoy watching hit the mark and horse which running at top speed.

Procession Coming down. They are wearing ancient attire.

I can't take a pics anymore because spectators are rushing to riding ground.
Also Yabusame spectators are increasing year by year.
10 years ago, in cold November, there is not so many spectators.


Visitors who came from overseas go on increasing year by year.

弁当 Bentou

My lunch. This is preparing for participants but I never entry. 
Always there is an extra one. So, I have to eat and clear.

風傳流 whoden ryu spearman

神夢想林崎流 jinmusou Hayasizaki ryu

I have seen this performance for the first time.

双水執流 sousuisi ryu

Beautiful Sieza.
Pupils from overseas isn't uncommon these days.
I know that some of young people from abroad who has a profound knowledge
of Japanese culture. They are very very polite
and speaks Japanese beautifully and perfectly.

鞍馬流 kurama ryu

Kurama Kid is here !
He will succeed Kurama ryu for the future.

森重流 morishige ryu

They always take the field last.

They shoots a ceremonial signal gun to bring to a finish the event.